Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Lover's Love

Your love is like the raging fire
Slowly consuming a city
Like an emerald arrow-headed serpent
Like a howling Northern blizzard
Like a black tusked wild boar,
Charging through the undergrowth,
Like a smoldering volcano
A monsoon under the blue moon
A lizard coiled around a cherry.
like an apple ripen to the core,
like a herd of sheep,
following the rest of its kind,
like a black widow spider consuming its mate,
like the day of the black sun, an
eternal solar eclipse,
like a great-horned owl singing a lullaby,
like the ebb and flow of the tides under the night,
like a dragon hoarding its treasure, the
rich gems stolen along with many lives,
like the ice that cannot be shattered under the weight
of thundering hooves, like a mangy hyena,
like a scavenging vulture,
like the rise and fall of empires in ages past,
like a colony of fire ants,
like a falcon trained only to hunt the meek,
a bicycle abandoned after the gift of something new,
a circus closed because of the lack of patrons,
an old carton of soiled milk. Like the saline tears
of a gentle crocodile
like a siren perched on the coastline,
serenading the sailors,
beckoning them to the warmth of the deep blue


  1. This is such a great poem!!! I really like the rich vocabulary as well as the great imagery. Your creativity is soaring~ haha. Great job ^^

  2. Your is poem is so good! It is really descriptive and there is a lot of images that run through my mind when I read it. Awesome poem XD

    1. hehe oopsie, I meant "Your poem is so good". My spelling has failed me once again^^ Anyway, great poem! Even better the second time around.

  3. This is a really well-written poem! I like the vivid imagery as well. It's interesting how you juxtaposed "love," with all of these unsettling images.
